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Find corporate entertainment companies in Home Counties

See below for a list of companies and businesses in Home Counties offering corporate entertainment
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Rob's Clay Busters
Contact: Rob Barber 07762 159 520 robclaybusters.net
 clay pigeon shooting

Sonny Rainbow
Contact: Gordon Sharp 01442 412328 / 07977 412 328 funnyfacessonnyrainbowofslife.co.uk

Lee Valley Boat Centre
Contact: Miss A Barnett 01992 462085 leevalleyboatsbtconnect.com
Boat hire in Hertfordshire

Longueville Hall
Contact: Ms Lesley Abraham 01908 367788 / 07540 937 003 longuevillehalloutlook.com
Longueville Hall - ideal venue for Weddings and parties in Newton Longville, Bucks

Highfield Management
Contact: Shirley Roberts 01954 251900 infohighfieldmanagement.com
entertainment agencies

Laser Shooting Knebworth
Contact: Mr Macdonald 01438 816397

The Great Adventure Game
Contact: Mr Andrew Kirby 01234 266266
paintball games

The Wheelie Good Party Company
Contact: Brad Myat 0208 3862894 partyhqwheeliegoodparty.co.uk
jeep driving for childrens parties comes with a full party package

Moonlite Entertainments
Contact: Mr Brian Callun 07970 275998

Super Karts
Contact: Barry Gyles 01462 485959

The Shooting Clinic
Contact: Carol Fricker 01908 510189

1 Stop Disco & Leisure
Contact: David Bull 01442 402770

Contact: Phillip Donovan 07895022736 1st2bouncesky.com

A.C Supreme
Contact: 07718 742403

Actsnet Entertainments
Contact: 0845 644 1675

Ambro Sports & Events Ltd
Contact: Francesca Bowles 01923 710970 Infoambro-events.com

B W B Management
Contact: 07961 105094 infoboogiewonderband.co.uk

Bagatelle Flute & Harp Duo
Contact: Meta Killick 020 8316 0660 jennielittlehadham.freeserve.co.uk

Capital Sport
Contact: 01296 631671 infocapital-sport.co.uk

Charisma Events: The Corporate Event Company
Contact: 01992 550181 chrischarismaevents.com

Crazy K Barn Dance Caller
Contact: Mr Alan Swaysland 01832 734788 swayslandbtopenworld.com

D P Promotions
Contact: 01234 241357 Infodp-promotions.com

Dats Jazz !
Contact: 01234 381523 datsjjazzbandcf.com

Daytona International
Contact: 01908 695694 mkdaytona.co.uk

Contact: Mr John Gittins 01582 576626 Infodiamondduo.co.uk

Effective Business Events
Contact: Mr Ruck-Nightingale 01494 670800 saleseffectivebusiness.com

Faces For Fun (Corporate Events)
Contact: 01992 429543

Fastrack Slipstream
Contact: Mr Van Kaiser 01908 366667 enquiriesslipstream-racing.com

Fun Factory
Contact: 01582 485410 slsyeehaaol.com

Funday Entertainment
Contact: Tony Hart 0870 0113993 salesfundayltd.com

GDR Sound & Lighting Ltd
Contact: 01296 395300

Infinity Promotions
Contact: Graham Raeside 01727 765704 deeejaygntlworld.com

Jez Rose
Contact: Mr Jez Rose 07715 107136

Jim Bannan
Contact: Mr Jim Bannan 01582 482958

Jon Raymond (Magician)
Contact: 01442 249389

Julian Rees
Contact: 01234 751531 julianreesbtinternet.com

King of the Castle
Contact: Mr. Farenden 0800 052 2761

KlubKart Racing Ltd
Contact: Maralyn Armstrong 01296 330567

M & M Promotions
Contact: Mark 07956 453708 mnm.promotionsntlworld.com

Mystery Events
Contact: 01727 759631 grahammysteryevents.co.uk

NRJ Incentives
Contact: Nigel Jibson 01923 351124 nigelnrjincentives.co.uk

P.A. Equipment
Contact: Enzo 01234 347745

Pettigrove W Fairground Amusements
Contact: 01844 345751

Prestige Bouncy Castles, Funfair, Catering, Entertainment Hire and Events
Contact: Asa Gray 07794762351 infoprestigebouncycastles.co.uk

R M D Sports International Ltd
Contact: 01727 865744

Racenight UK
Contact: Racenight UK 0845 2268454 dominicracenight.co.uk

Ray's Music
Contact: Mr Ray Bomber 01992 553249 rayandmichelehotmail.com

RS Archery
Contact: Steven Davies 07791046796 stevenrsarchery.co.uk

Slipstream Racing
Contact: 01908 366667 enquiriesslipstream-racing.com

Contact: 01296 437404 stonegrovemost-wanted.com

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Media Chameleon Limited
Suite 101, First Floor,
Crystal House
New Bedford Road

01582 488385



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