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Find entertainment agencies companies in Home Counties

See below for a list of companies and businesses in Home Counties offering entertainment agencies
listing companies 1 to 17 out of 17 

Highfield Management
Contact: Shirley Roberts 01954 251900 infohighfieldmanagement.com
entertainment agencies

Buzz Bubblegum
Contact: Yvonne Farrell 01582 897520 buzz.bubblegumntlworld.com

001 Entertainers
Contact: Mr. Parsons 0906 5151057

C.I.A Entertainments
Contact: Suzanne Clarke 01462 700456 Infocia-ents.co.uk

David Charles Agency
Contact: David Charles 01442 264402

Elite Entertainments
Contact: Mr. Littlewood 0845 6588900

Eminence Leisure Ltd
Contact: Jo Hancock 01582 817030

Furnival Entertainments
Contact: Dave Bowen 0870 300 1474

Krystina Variety Agency
Contact: Christina Harsburgh 0870 2008888/01 infokrystina.co.uk

N.V.B Entertainments
Contact: Mr R J Harrison 01582 873623 ucma_hqhotmail.com

Pulse Entertainments
Contact: 01234 742354

Sardi's Enterprises
Contact: 0208 551 6720 mailsardisonline.com

Stretching Expectations
Contact: Mr Desmond Feehily 0208 207 6610 InfoStretchingExpectations.co.uk

The Texas Rangers Co
Contact: Mr Deller 01442 389412

Tony Bennell Entertainments
Contact: Tony Bennell 01865 372645 tonybennellhotmail.com

Contact: Mr. Littlewood 0845 6588900

Xcel Events
Contact: 01234 742354 carolej606aol.com

listing companies 1 to 17 out of 17 

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