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Find martial arts tuition companies in Home Counties

See below for a list of companies and businesses in Home Counties offering martial arts tuition
listing companies 1 to 30 out of 30 

Portslade Sports Centre
Contact: Marcos O'Loughlin 01273 411100 sportscentrepaca.uk.com
 Portslade Sports Centre
Portslade Sports Centre

Harpenden Wing Chun Kung Fu
Contact: Tim stanbridge 07748184838 timharpendenwingchun.co.uk

Apollo Martial Arts - High Wycombe
Contact: Paul Busby 01628 440895 / 07966 295 943 paul.busbytalk21.com

Apollo Martial Arts Academy
Contact: Paul Busby 07966 295 943 infowant2train.com

Contact: Mohammed Akhtar 07973 532 120 mohakhtarhotmail.co.uk

Choi Kwang-Do. Health, Self Defence, Personal Success (Hertfordshire)
Contact: 01462 453672

Dynamic Self Defence
Contact: 01707 851313

Eagles Thai Boxing Gym
Contact: 01234 359204

East West Centre
Contact: 01582 413441

Flitwick Taekwon-Do Club
Contact: 07951 011059

Funakoshi Shotokan Karate Club
Contact: Dianne Street 01767 223350 nikki_sskahotmail.com

Hagashi Karate Kai
Contact: 07773 767113 john.hurleytalk21.com

Higashi Karate Kai
Contact: John Hurley 07773 767113 john.hurleytalk21.com

Martial arts Bushey
Contact: Miss Chamberlain 07727 639180 infomartialartsbushey.co.uk

Martial arts watford
Contact: Miss Chamberlain 07727 639180 infomartialartswatford.co.uk

MK Tang Soo Do
Contact: 01908 564367

Oakley Tang Soo Do
Contact: Dave Devaney 01234401094 ddevaneyntlworld.com

Rickmansworth Tae Kwon Do School
Contact: Mr Justin Kirman 0705 0048489 justintaekwondo-rickmansworth.co.uk

Seishinkai Shotokan Karate International
Contact: Mr Malcolm Phipps 01442 266048

Shires Karate/Kickboxing Academy
Contact: Leo Aktar 07956 456321

Shotokan Karate Clubs
Contact: Michael Ring 01279 731752 michael.ringhmtreasury.gov.uk

St. Albans Tae Kwon Do
Contact: Chris Snow 01727 822612 /

Steve Cowley's Martial Arts Academy
Contact: Steve Cowley 01494 520338 infobodyfitgym.co.uk

Streetwise Self Defence Ltd - Martial Arts Shop & Classes
Contact: Richard Farmer 01442 394399/07 richardstreetwiseltd.f9.co.uk

T'ai Chi Chuan
Contact: 01727 836478

Tae Kwon Do
Contact: Chris 01727 827624

Tai Ji Quan: Yang Family Styles
Contact: 01371 870649

Tigers Shotokan Karate
Contact: Mrs De-Bellis 01727 840773 c.debellisbtopenworld.com

Tony Kendall
Contact: 07831 274884 hironjohnukti-ilt.com

Contact: Hiron John 01582 508336 hironjohnaol.com

listing companies 1 to 30 out of 30 

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