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Find mobile discos companies in Home Counties

See below for a list of companies and businesses in Home Counties offering mobile discos
listing companies 1 to 50 out of 58page   previous 1 2 next 

Sonny Rainbow
Contact: Gordon Sharp 01442 412328 / 07977 412 328 funnyfacessonnyrainbowofslife.co.uk

Allsorts Entertainment
Contact: Gary Holman 0208 505 7268 / 07957 473 982 garyallsortsentertainment.com
Weddings – Engagement Parties – Birthday Parties – Charities – Special Events

Liberty Roadshow
Contact: Ian Buckle 01767 683028

Berkshire Discos
Contact: Nick Sansum 0118 967 8882

Feenix 197
Contact: Mr. Steggles 01279 863972

Moonlite Entertainments
Contact: Mr Brian Callun 07970 275998

1 + 1
Contact: 01234 328176

1 Stop Disco & Leisure
Contact: David Bull 01442 402770

1+1 Mobile Discos
Contact: Tony Unsworth 01234 328176

1st Disco's Direct
Contact: Mr. Godblod 01442 394976

1st Wave Entertainment
Contact: Joey Kolirin 0208 959 3267/0 infofirstwaveentertainment.com

A Pink Panther Disco
Contact: Andy Mitchell 0208 3867772

Abacus Discos
Contact: Alan Collins 01438 241805 alan.collins123ntlworld.com

All Ages Discos
Contact: 01582 764530

All Ages Discos & P.A Hire
Contact: Phill Richards 01582 764530

Barnard Castles
Contact: Mr. Barnard 01582 667307

Contact: Ian Baxter 01494 883362 ianbbass-fx.co.uk

Big Steve's Discos
Contact: 01438 234488 s.gleadhillntlworld.com

Cascade Road Show
Contact: 07961 983691 kbarcroftyahoo.com

D J Woodys Disco
Contact: Danny Woodward 01494 485361

Dance Sensations Mobile Disco
Contact: Cameron Cook 0800 068 5322

Dial A Disco
Contact: Peter Kuling 01098 648794/07

Disco Fever
Contact: 01582 457495

DJ Clay's Mobile Disco 'The Party Expert'
Contact: Paul Claydon 01992 573834

DJ Donkey Dave
Contact: 07815 511113 allyell.com

Dolphin Disco
Contact: Sarah Winter 01582 571115/07

Contact: Susan Pattingale 01727 873093 suzygdaviesaol.com

EJ Karaoke
Contact: Eric O'Halloran 0118 9410 505 ericejkaraoke.com

Electric Owl
Contact: Peter Williams 01992 718167 petepete6948.fset.co.uk

Elevate Mobile Disco
Contact: 01582 472397

Eqinox Storm
Contact: Gary Huggan 01582 574736

Flashdance Disco
Contact: Mrs. Adamson 01582 593056

GDR Sound & Lighting Ltd
Contact: 01296 395300

J. G. Roadshow
Contact: Mr. Cooper Groves 01923 670735

L.B. Sounds
Contact: 01525 385401

Lightning Roadshow
Contact: Colin Wells/David Williams 01279 816609 lightning.discoaol.com

Luton Entertainment Service
Contact: Mick McGrath 07817 934391

Luton Entertainment Services
Contact: Mick McGrath 0781 794391

M & M Promotions
Contact: Mark 07956 453708 mnm.promotionsntlworld.com

Mobile Sound System
Contact: 01582 662449 streetsoundsyahoo.co.uk

Music Masters Disco's
Contact: Mr. Sheaf 01582 505364

New City Sounds
Contact: Keith Brandon 01582 895245 infonewcitysounds.com

New Decade Roadshow
Contact: 01438 369545 newdecadefsmail.net

Off Limits
Contact: Martin Stephens 0115 938 5561

P.A. Equipment
Contact: Enzo 01234 347745

Contact: 01582 709363 gelliotntlworld.com

R W Discos
Contact: 01462 675060

Sight N Sound
Contact: DJ 07092 234726 djsightnsound.co.uk

Sight n Sound Roadshow
Contact: Harvey Allen 070 9223 4726

Skyline Discos
Contact: Mrs. Tyler 01462 486766

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New Bedford Road

01582 488385



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